Price match plus guarantee - PMG+
We are confident that our hotel offers, stacked with lots of extras, will regularly offer the best value around. However, if you find you could have booked the same overnight package on the same terms elsewhere for less, we'll not only refund the difference but also give you a £20 credit towards a future booking!
When can I claim?:
- When you've found the exact same hotel break deal cheaper elsewhere on the same or better terms than we've offered, within 24 hours of booking.
- If you find an alternative rate that means, if you were to book that rate then pay for any extras in our package at full price direct to the hotel, the total cost would still have been less than the package price you paid to us.
When can't I claim?:
- If the alternative rate / package isn't bookable online for the same dates and duration, for the same hotel.
- If the alternative rates / package seen is for a different room grade than you have booked.
- If the alternative rate / package is on less favourable booking terms, for example non-refundable or no date changes allowed.
- If the rate / package is not available to everyone, i.e. using loyalty programmes, vouchers, or corporate / group rates.
- If you are not the person that made the booking.
- If it's more than 24 hrs since you made your booking.
- If the alternative rate / package is no longer available when we check.
- If your booking is within 7 days of arrival date.
- If your booking is for a spa day.
- If you have a gift voucher that can be used to book a selection of venues, or one of our Spa days.
How do I claim?
To make a claim follow the simple steps below:
- Email and include in the subject line your booking reference number and the word "Pricematch".
- Please include a screengrab and a link clearly showing the alternative rate / package, the dates, terms, and inclusions. If you are calculating the alternative price using a combination of a rate found online and items in the package payable at the hotel, please include a breakdown of how you arrive at the cost.
- The total cost for price match purposes is the full value of the booking and our booking service fee, but excludes the small credit card charge, which applies if only you chose to pay by credit card.
What happens then?
- We will validate your claim as quickly as possible. We promise to do this within a maximum of three days but will aim to do it within 1 day.
- If there is ambiguity in the claim or you have not provided a screen grab showing evidence of the rate, we may not be able to validate it.
If, once we have checked the alternative rate, we find that it does not qualify as a valid claim, we will notify you by email of this and stating the reasons why. Our decision is final, and further correspondence/consideration will only be entered into in the event of clear factual errors on our part, for example incorrect arithmetic. Assuming we are able to approve your claim, we will:
a) Refund the difference in price to your payment card. Please note refunds can take up to 5 working days to arrive, due to the banking system.
b) Issue you with a £20 gift voucher for use against a future booking.We welcome your claims. We aim to be the very best deal in the market for all our hotels, and if one of our valued customers spots an occasion where our price has fallen below this standard, we want to know about it and are happy to reward customers for telling us.
All claims and all bookings are subject to our full terms & conditions
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Gift Vouchers
Looking for the perfect gift? Gift vouchers are available in any value from £25 upwards.